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31 Jan McCall Pattern Company Interview & Giveaway

 The McCall Pattern Company founded in 1870 is a mainstay of the home sewing industry. Through the years, the pattern companies have undergone numerous business changes but they are still here! I had the privilege of touring the Manhattan company headquarters in 2013 which was very impressive.  I was guided through the conception to realization of its pattern process, and the company truly runs like a well oiled machine. Today the McCall Pattern Company is owned by CSS Industries, and sells sewing patterns under the McCall’s®, Butterick®, Kwik Sew® and Vogue Patterns® brand names. In support of the 2018 RTW Fasters, The McCall Pattern Company is serving...

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28 Jan Blackwood x2

Discovering a pattern that is just your style is pure gold. I have a few and have just added a new one to the collection. Winter just got a whole lot better 😉 After browsing through a stack of Christmas catalogs during the holidays, I was convinced I needed a pair of patterned leggings and ordered Mood Fabric's ultra soft black wool knit with orchid pink medallions. Opening the box of fabric long after the catalogs were thrown away brought me back to reality and I reassessed. The leggings would be cute if I was 10 or on a Scandinavian vacation...

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