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18 Feb Promenade Fine Fabrics

Today I am profiling a fabric store that is supporting the 2018 RTW Fasters with a generous $100 giveaway. If Mood Fabrics is the King of fabrics stores, then Promenade Fine Fabrics, is surely the Queen. Located in the heart of New Orleans, this family owned business offers fine fabrics from around the world, including Irish linens, Italian and English wools, French, Swiss and Asian silks, French laces, brocades and much more. In addition, the store carries a large selection of buttons in diverse materials including horn, mother of pearl, glass, stones, wood, and vintage. Promenade also offers one of the nation’s largest selections of ribbon in...

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17 Feb Canvas Jacket for S P R I N G

No need to call me Dr. Gunn, but I suppose if I was a physician I'd look a little like this minus the buttons and sunglasses 😉 It takes me very little to get excited about Spring, and after returning from Cleveland's ice and snow to a few warm days of sunshine and blooming cherry trees,  I am keen to sew for the upcoming season. One of these days I might sew a capsule wardrobe, and if I do this is my first piece.  Based on my Capsule Wardrobe Pinterest board one might think I was a capsule wardrobe consultant. I'm obsessed, but...

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