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31 Dec Celebrating Creative Spirits

Greetings from Edisto Beach, SC – the perfect place to usher in the New Year! I’m wearing my second serger product – Simplicity 2603. I had no idea I liked red so much until I gave up buying clothes and started sewing again! NEVER would I have bought such a bold piece of clothing. NEVER would I have splurged on something with limited holiday appeal. And NEVER would I have bought something just for the fun of it!  As I reflect on 2011 in front of an especially stunning sunset, I question the importance of my mighty goal of abstaining from buying ready to  wear clothes for...

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29 Dec Nice and Easy

Is it over yet? The company is gone, the tree is dead, the house is a mess and Santa brought me a new serger!                                                                                                              To clean the house or sew: that is the question.                        ...

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22 Dec In the MOOD

I’m envious of anyone who finds time to sew clothes in December! I’ve not sewn since early December - but I've not bought a single item of clothing either. However, this week  I had the good fortune to take a quick trip to New York, and  visited Mood Fabrics for the first time! Swatch was hilarious running up and down the aisles, and the store was awesome in the truest sense of the word. I fell hard for the jerseys…. I fell hard for the silks…….   I would have fallen for everything if I had been alone. Thank goodness I was with another woman, the wife...

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