burda patterns Tag

09 Aug Making the Cut: Part 1

Many thanks to the readers who suggested I write a post about the clothes that made the cut when we moved. Her suggestion compelled me to study the good, the bad and the ugly of my sewing and style choices. I surprised myself after this exercise and recommend it! Who wants to give something away that you've spent hours making? Some of my makes were great learning experiences, while others remain wardrobe favorites. Maybe you've had similar sewing experiences! Before I start, I have a question...

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17 May Burda 7081

I’ve made friends with Burda and I’m all the better for it!  I was trying to convince myself that Burda patterns weren’t for me, but had a problem doing so. I really liked the looks of so many patterns! Was it me or was it Burda? In the end, it all came down to learning a new way of doing something. Learning to read and follow the Burda pattern was nothing like learning a new software program! It was more like driving a different route to a destination. I simply had to read the instructions s l o w l y  and carefully along...

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