Sewing Dresses

03 Dec Holiday Fasting

A funny thing happens when sewers quit buying clothes…… they become very clothes conscious. At least that is what’s going on with the RTW Fasters, and it certainly happened with me. I became obsessed with all things clothes. I recently asked the Fasters to briefly comment on the experience so far and to date no one said they miss shopping for clothes – quite the opposite. Many have expressed a new sense of freedom as shopping for RTW is becoming a distant memory. So what are they doing? Robin bought a practically new Bernina Artista 200 last month and is all over the place...

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I  w i l l . I will never buy a wrap dress again. This is the fourth wrap dress I’ve made since January and there is no reason to fork out the big bucks, or even ‘bargain’ bucks again for one of my favorite styles. I completed my one-year RTW Fast on August 31st and finally found my way into a dress shop in October. I bought the black sweater I promised myself 10 months ago after repairing moth holes in my trusty black cardigan during the fast, but as soon as I carefully examined a couple of $300.00 wrap dresses,...

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25 Oct From Grim to Grinning

What are your plans for All Hallows Eve? After wearing a ratty black cloak for 600 years, I was in the Mood for a makeover.  How do you like it? Since  I’m on call 24/7 , I need a dress perfect for morning, noon or night.   Late one evening I walked through the walls of Mood Fabrics and found this gorgeous Italian wool double-knit. It was quite the bargain requiring only 1 ½  yards of fabric. After so many positive reviews on the Pattern Review website I put down the scythe, bought this Vogue pattern and made the dress in one day! [caption id="attachment_2047" align="aligncenter" width="270"]...

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